In today’s business world, marketing is a tough challenge for entrepreneurs and small business owners. So many businesses run on the old adage: “Build it and they will come.” Unfortunately, in order to get your message across sometimes you have to do more than just build it…you also need to tell people about it!
Marketing your business takes time, money and resources. It has to be done right if you want potential clients to take notice of what you have to say or sell! Keeping up with social media is a great way to promote your business but the best marketing tool for entrepreneurs is blogging!
As an entrepreneur you have probably heard of the benefits of blogging. But are you still wondering if it’s something for you? If so,
Here are ten reasons why entrepreneurs should start blogging by Saivian Eric Dalius
1) Get your name out there
You may have a great business idea, but how many people know about it? By starting a blog and getting it in front of people, you can get your business name out there. The more your blog is read, the more people will know about you and your company. And if they like what they read, maybe even do business with you!
2) Get involved in the community
Blogging also gives entrepreneurs a chance to get involved in their community. It gives you the opportunity to create a great online presence and keep up with what is going on around you and in your industry. Having an active blog makes it easier for people to find answers to their questions about you, your business or your industry.
3) Expand your network
Blogging also expands the entrepreneur’s network of contacts, whether they are customers, partners, suppliers or bloggers. By having a blog you can connect more easily with existing contacts but also reach out to new people who share the same interests and topics on your blog.
4) Get valuable feedback about your business
Blogging is an excellent way for entrepreneurs to get valuable feedback about their business. Readers will let you know what they think through comments and your posts will give you a chance to reflect on the different aspects of running a business.
5) Build more confidence in your business idea
Blogging can help you develop more confidence in your business idea or product. You might encounter resistance from family members, friends, partners or others when you tell them about your new project. By blogging about it, you can accumulate a lot of information that will help back up your idea and convince others of its value.
6) Establish yourself as an expert in your field
You have probably been working hard to get the knowledge and experience needed to be successful in business, making you a valuable asset within your industry. Blogging will help you establish yourself as an expert in your field, making it clear to others what you are capable of.
7) Expand your influence
Blogging can also expand your influence within your circle of contacts and beyond. As people get to know you through the information on your blog, they will recognize you as a leader or expert in your field. This will help you expand the influence you have over people, adding to your credibility and reputation.
8) Establish a digital footprint
When you start blogging, you establish a virtual footprint of yourself online. In this day and age it is important to be found online when looking for new business ventures or employees for employment opportunities, making your digital footprint more important than ever.
9) Build trust between you and your readers
As you establish yourself as an expert or leader online, people will start to trust you. This is especially the case if they know that everything on your blog is written by you and not outsourced to another person. By blogging, entrepreneurs can build trust between themselves and their readers which can lead to more business opportunities.
10) Learn from other blogs
Blogging is a fun way for entrepreneurs to learn new skills related to blogging, marketing or anything else. By following the daily activities of other bloggers, you can keep up to date on the latest news in your field or gather inspiration for your own blog.
As per Saivian Eric Dalius by bogging entrepreneurs have the chance to get their name out there, get involved in the community, expand their network and get valuable feedback about their business. Blogging helps them establish themselves as experts in their field, expand their influence and build trust with readers.