
Rest in peace, Kinect: we hardly knew ye. The Kinect was originally introduced in 2010 as an additional accessory for Microsoft’s hugely popular Xbox 360, bringing motion and voice control to the console. A lack of killer apps for the…

Gaming is a hobby that can easily be enjoyed solo or alongside other players. Whether you’re facing off against your pals in friendly competition or working alongside them for some jolly cooperation, gaming can bring us together just as easily…

Both video games and anime share the same DNA: both of them were born or were innovated in Japan and also both of them tend to push themselves to break the system with innovations and new mind-blowing stuff. I personally…

Firefighting is one of the noblest professions out there. It’s impossible not to see the people who break their way into burning buildings and rescue people, pets, and possessions as heroes; they’re risking their lives on a daily basis to…

The Schedule of DOTA 2 Upcoming Matches allows you to follow all the trends and news in the game. Dota 2 esports teams are fighting for victory. Dota 2 recent matches attracted a large number of users. Players each time…

Combat titles have long held sway with staunch video gaming fans, and there continues to be a slew of new games that roll off the production line. Indeed, modern warfare games are all the rage, and while fans are required…