
Whether you like tinkering with cars or driving them, the world of video games is extremely well-served in the vehicle department. There’s something compelling about the mere act of hopping into a car and driving to wherever, and there’s also…

If there’s one genre for which VR is absolutely perfect, it’s horror. There are few gaming genres that can inspire such visceral emotion as horror, so removing one of the barriers to immersion – that is to say, the player’s…

There are few things more rewarding than taking care of a pet. Having an animal companion in your home for whom you are completely responsible gives you a new perspective on life; it shows you what’s really important and rearranges…

Nintendo’s N64 console was the first venture by the company to embrace true 3D. While games like Star Fox had flirted with rudimentary forms of the technology before, the N64 presented fully polygonal environments for players to explore in games…

Music is an integral part in our lives and it is also a very important aspect in video games. Going from “bleeps and bloops” to orchestral pieces of arts, the soundtrack in a video game is something that adds a…

The PS3 was a console that brought a lot of joy in my teenager days and I’m sure that applies to many of you. It is not only one of the definitive consoles of the previous decade, but also one…

Gaming can be an incredible medium for storytelling. Interactivity means that a video game can tell stories in ways that other media simply can’t; they can make us inhabit a character intimately and personally, feeling every action they take and…

April 2023 is shaping up to be another bumper month for video game releases. All three of the major console players currently on the market are getting some pretty heavy-hitting titles in April, and whether you’re into single-player story-driven adventures…