
Jump scares in video games – oh boy, do they get our hearts racing! They’re not just simple frights; they’re masterpieces of digital terror, meticulously woven into the tapestry of gaming narratives. These aren’t your garden-variety shocks – no, no…

The best Ubisoft games are a fascinating topic. Ubisoft is one of the most famous and biggest video game developers out there, and while they received a lot of criticism for relying on old franchise games instead of creating new…

Gaming is one of the most fun and entertaining social pastimes of our modern era. It grew steadily over the past few decades into an enormous juggernaut on both social interaction and intense interest among the population. During the recent…

At the time of writing, the PlayStation 4 is the fifth best-selling console of all time, managing to shift an astonishing 117.2 million units across its lifetime. Technically, of course, the PS4 is still going strong; many games are still…

The PlayStation 2 is arguably the greatest video game console of all time. It played host to a golden age of excellent games, including Shadow of the Colossus, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, and…