Indiana Jones has been part of the video game medium for decades. There have been many incarnations of the famous archeologist in video game form. Everything from ‘point and click’ adventures, to ‘top/down’ escapades. When MachineGames announced they were working on a new Indiana Jones game a few years ago, gamers didn’t know what to make of it. MachineGames are known for first-person shooters, and putting Indy into that mold seemed rather alien. Well, it turns out that this indeed seems to be the case. Indiana Jones and The Great Circle will be a first-person title, with some third-person moments blended in.
The best example of how this game will feel is with The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay, by Starbreeze Studios for the Xbox back in 2004. That game was mostly first-person. However, during traversal sequences and cut scenes, everything shifted to third-person. Even though this sounds rather jarring, it worked really well. That game was well-received and even got a follow-up. So, perhaps Indiana Jones being in first-person might be a natural evolution from his side-scrolling and third-person adventures of yesteryear.
Gameplay Details – Stealth

So, the reason that the developers decided to make Indiana Jones and The Great Circle first-person, was so players could “feel” like Indy. They want players to be fully immersed in this adventure while being in their skin. With that said, they also want players to have ‘full control’ while in open areas. This game will have fully realized stealth mechanics. Indy can use his whip to pop above enemies’ heads, distracting them. Also, picking up random items throughout the environment and tossing them is another option. You will be able to clear entire areas without firing a single shot or throwing one punch.
However, if combat is somehow unavoidable, Indy will have many tools in his arsenal. Indiana Jones was always a scrappy and dirty fighter. In this game, players can fight just like Dr. Jones by picking up virtually anything within the environment and using it as a weapon. Bashing someone’s face with a shovel, hurling a hammer, smashing a vase, the list goes on. Players will be able to experiment and play with the environment to their liking to find out the best ways to take out enemies. Indy will come with a variety of melee moves. Everything from grapples, punches, stealth takedowns, and tackles. Of course, he will also have his trusty revolver and whip with him that will help him out in a pinch.
Gameplay Details – Combat

The whip in Indiana Jones and The Great Circle will play a pivotal role in this adventure. In past games, it was used for merely traversing and eliminating enemies, sure. However, in this newest entry, the whip can be used in all sorts of creative ways. Players will be able to yank a weapon out of enemies’ hands and use it against them. Also, the whip can trip up enemies, stunning them. Another noticeable move is simply jerking a bad guy toward Indy, and knocking them out with a punch. Naturally, the whip will also be used for climbing and solving puzzles.
Of course, the revolver will be a last resort for taking out goons. There will also be set pieces where Indy will use other firearms. Like manning a machine gun at the back of a bi-plane, for example. Indy is a World War I veteran and he knows how to handle a variety of guns. Which, could very well play a factor in the combat of this game. Additionally, there will also be tranquil moments of Indiana Jones and The Great Circle, in which players will take Indy on reconnaissance missions of sorts. True to the genre, this will be a globe-trotting adventure. Players will be tagging along with Dr. Jones in a variety of locations including; South America, the Himalayas, and even Egypt.
Talent Behind The Game

MachineGames recruited some heavy hitters with their team for Indiana Jones and The Great Circle. One notable addition to this game is Gordy Haab. Known for his work with the Battlefront and Jedi: Fallen Order series, he’s quickly becoming the John Williams of the video game industry. He will be scoring for this game, using an actual old-fashioned full symphony orchestra. As for the rest of the cast, the actors who will be lending their vocals are:
- Troy Baker – Indiana Jones
- Tony Todd – Locus
- Marios Gavrilis – Emmerich Voss
- Alessandra Mastronardi – Gina Lombardi
- Giuseppe Russo – Fiore
Of course, an actual real-live stunt crew will record their movement to give Indiana Jones and The Great Circle a truly cinematic feel. The classic sound effects from Ben Burtt and his crew will remain intact within this game. Complete with the obligatory ‘Wilhelm Scream.’ MachineGames want their title to feel like an interactive Indiana Jones movie and they appear to be hitting all the right notes. Lastly, this game will be peppered with escape sequences that the movie is known for, such as dodging traps and out-running certain deaths.

Fans of the Indiana Jones franchise have waited for a few console generations before getting a new game. Luckily, there is a new one finally coming. The change to first-person may seem off-putting for some gamers out there, but it is a reasonable decision. This game could be the first truly immersive treasure-hunting adventure that gamers have had for a long time. Indiana Jones and The Great Circle is coming sometime in 2024 for the Xbox Series S/X and PC.