The critical and commercial success enjoyed by Naughty Dog’s post-apocalyptic adventure The Last of Us shows that plenty of gamers are interested in dark, survival-themed videogames set in bleak places and times, and which often place a human face – an ugly and primal one – on the horror they convey. But while The Last of Us garnered a massive amount of praise upon its release in 2013, the previous year saw the release of a post-apocalyptic game which has largely gone unsung and which I think deserves more attention than it seems to receive: I Am Alive. Developed by…

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From weird little shooters to survival horror strategy and adventure RPG’s, March of 2015 is shaping up to be an interesting month for current (8th) generation gamers.   This isn’t just a notable period for PlayStation 4 gamers though, it is also just as equally appealing for Microsoft and the Xbox One crowd.   Anyway, without further ado, let’s explore some of the titles releasing in March for both consoles… White Night Out on PS4 and XBOX One March 3rd. Artsy black and white noir-esque visuals, puzzle-solving, an old mansion… what’s not to like?   Needless to say the game’s art style and…

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Whether or not you are a bona-fide Nintendo fan is one thing, but the overall fun factor associated with the Wii U cannot be denied.   There’s a certain sense of flavor that this console gives off which, along with all its unique games, is basically without precedent in the gaming industry at large.   Sure, some will rail against its seemingly limited hardware capabilities, but that would require overlooking all the wonderful stuff Nintendo has added in spite of any perceived shortcomings. Needless to say, even though we can just stick to the PS4 or Xbox One, here are 6 different…

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They’re simultaneously the source of all our gaming glory and woes, our light as well as darkness……we’re speaking of course about exclusive releases.   Regardless of the fact that we now have very powerful gaming consoles available with all sorts of cross-platform AAA-tiered releases, the truth is that exclusives still drive the market. Companies like Sony and Microsoft are always looking for ways to set themselves apart from the competition out there, and really what better way is there than having a bunch of excellent titles lined up which will only be found on your home team’s console?   Heck, you’ve probably…

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Armed with a sizable map, great graphics and more of the same sort of grotesque horror-filled bloodsports found in titles such as Dead Island, Dying Light manages to be exactly the sort of zombie experience most gamers were expecting (for the season). Basically, it manages to squeeze in a number of emergent elements in terms of gameplay in a relatively fresh manner. Parkour plays a pivotal role here, with a certain emphasis on navigation and soaking in the scenery.   To be honest, it could be said that the star of this game is the map, which compels you into certain…

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Can you name a bad console that has sold well? I can’t. I can think of a great one that is selling amazingly well, though. An awesome console, with brilliant games, and the other essentials, is what gamers are attracted to… It’s that very recipe that’s made the PS, PS2, XBOX and XBOX 360 so successful, after all. It’s also the same recipe which is making gamers gravitate towards the PlayStation 4. This article takes a look at the possible reasons as to why the PS4 is currently outselling the XBOX One. Firstly, I want to say that I was…

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Every gamer has their preferred platform. Some are die-hard PlayStation fans to the very end while others couldn’t live without their XBOX. But there are many people who will tell you that the best piece of equipment for gaming is a desktop or laptop computer. There are many different reasons that some gamers prefer a PC to any games console. They will tell you that PC gaming is far superior, offering better quality gameplay and equipment with updatable hardware. Although many people play games on both PC and consoles, there’s no doubt that they provide different experiences. Each console has…

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When it comes to gaming, we tend to think of our XBox or our gaming PC as being the best option. Whilst this is often the case, we don’t always have access to these. If you’re away from home you could try games on your mobile. You might not realise it, but there are loads of options when it comes to games that you can play on your Smartphone (or your tablet!). Whilst these might not live up the graphics of a Playstation, or be quite the same as free monster truck games online you can play on your PC,…

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We’ve all got our own wish list of dream announcements. Many of us wait for E3 event to be disappointed that our most wished for title wasn’t mentioned. However, 2015 brings new hope that the following titles could be announced. Call of Duty: World at War 2 Rumour has it that Activision might be working on this title. I’m not sure about you, but i’ve been wanting a return to the good classic theme of World War II for some time now. Futuristic warfare is fun, but it gets boring overtime. Now is a perfect time for a return to…

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This year is set to see some big releases on the Nintendo Wii U. Let’s take a look at what are set to be the top 5 titles… Mario Party 10 ‘Mario Party 10’ is an excellent addition to the Mario franchise which is due to be released in March. The game is built around the principle of multi player game play, with participants working to best each other in a series of enjoyable mini games. There is an element of chance and dice rolling to the game concept, with players landing on squares which trigger the mini games. There…

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It only feels like yesterday when these two consoles hit the market. With plenty of initial anticipation, we’re now in a slightly better position to see where we might be heading. However, this can all change. The console market is unpredictable just like the weather; one right move against one bad move and suddenly things can change. This article explores what 2015 might hold, and what could become important factors as to which console attracts the most attention and sales this year. Those who successfully predicted that the PS4 would become the clear winner of 2014 when it came to…

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In the early 1990’s, Sony released its gaming system the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. The SNES was Nintendo’s second games console following the release of Nintendo Entertainment System. The SNES was a global phenomenon and became the best-selling console of the 16-bit era. During this time, Nintendo was embroiled in a fierce battle with Sega and the other big 16-bit console the Sega Mega Drive. The SNES has gone on to develop cult status and has become something of a gaming institution. The console and its games still circulate on the gaming market. They are popular among gaming enthusiasts, collectors…

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Are you an avid gamer? Do you sleep, eat and breathe gaming? Then why not make a career out of gaming? That’s right; you can actually have a professional career in playing video games. Professional gamers make a living by taking part in international gaming championships. Whilst these kind of tournaments use to be for older and more experienced players, competitors in some competitions can take part from as young as 13 years old. However, the journey to becoming a professional gamer isn’t easy, it takes many hours of practice, skill and an incredible amount of determination. As well as…

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It wasn’t that long ago when we were speculating about a potential upcoming console from both Microsoft and Sony – coining ‘next gen’ as an even divide. However, this hasn’t been the case, we’ve seen Sony prove that they’re the console of choice with the PlayStation 4. Many expected the latest Microsoft console to be named the XBOX 720, after all that made plenty of sense – it gives the idea that you’re progressing. However, when Microsoft unveiled that their next console venture would be named the XBOX One, many were puzzled. Of course, it makes more sense when you…

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Well, it has been a long year in the gaming world. Games have come and clung, and others have come and quickly slinked back into the forgotten games corner. It may be you are looking for some inspiration for a game gift, or you have just come for a reminder of what might be out there for you to spend that voucher on. Whatever your reason, we have some great ideas and suggestions for the best car games out there If you are a keen gamer, you have probably tried it all. From the retro platform video games, to the…

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While it’s true that graphics aren’t always everything it should go without saying that they’re still pretty damn important.   The fact of the matter is that a lot of gamers out there actually crave an amazing visual display, sometimes overlooking nearly everything else in the process. At the same time, you still have to have some excellent mechanics and gameplay to really make any game worth your time, which is why we’ve pieced together this list. We’re about to dish out what are perhaps the most visually stunning Xbox One and PS4 titles of 2014. So, here they are, presented…

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While 2014’s holiday season certainly wasn’t a disappointment, many are well aware that the really good stuff isn’t set to drop until the first quarter of the year, 2015. Needless to say, this is primed to be a really important period, with 8th generation consoles just now hitting their stride with all sorts of super-charged games and various other titles (which have been mercilessly teasing us up to this point) soon to be released as well. Rather than throwing out a barrage of 2015 favorites, we thought it best to treat you to a special list which only highlights the…

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The console market is unpredictable, having the right release date can be a massive factor for the overall success of a console. Both Sony and Microsoft are currently in a battle for sales, with the PS4 leading by a large percentage. There has been plenty of speculation recently that Nintendo were secretly working on a new console (something we reported about), which was  officially confirmed recently. Cool, right? Isn’t it great that we’ll soon be able to use the term ‘next gen’ once again? The fact of the matter is, Microsoft is struggling right now with XBOX One sales when…

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Let’s face it, there are a LOT of video games out there, so many in fact that it’s probably impossible or impractical for an individual or team to even make their way through a fraction of them out there. At the same time, there’s no accounting for obscurity and often times there are truly amazing little gems out there which slip through the cracks and are doomed to remain hidden. Even though many of the world’s AAA publishers would like us to believe that only their new and emerging projects can deliver a fun experience, there are loads of strange…

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Sony have enjoyed a year of success for many reasons, however, if we’re talking about sale figures, month after month the PS4 has come out trumps with sales over the XBOX One, that was until this November.  Many could question what happened in November for Sony, although you don’t need to look far to realise that the USA pre-Christmas shopping day, known as Black Friday, played the main role in gaining XBOX One the first sniff of sales success, all thanks to ultra-low discounts on the American made machine. The XBOX One has plenty to offer, however, when it comes…

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As we venture further into the 2024 tech landscape, 2K and 4K monitors have become standard fixtures on desks around the globe. The technology’s increased affordability has made it accessible to a wider audience. Yet, many users are contemplating the next leap in display resolution: should you opt for an Ultra HD monitor for your desktop PC? Your decision hinges on your primary uses and budget. Notably, 8K monitors are now more than just an imminent arrival—they’re here, albeit with a hefty price tag for the cutting-edge experience they offer. For those of you considering this upgrade path, the image…

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Ask yourself this one simple question – how long has it been since you played a really good recently released video game devoted to billiards? Strangely enough, the modern era has been a bit of a wasteland for those with a penchant for pool, with very few offerings emerging at all (and those that do are usually on PC or some mobile device, etc.) Pure Pool is quite different of course. For starters, this game is both an excellent complete simulator as well as a stylish send up that’s meant to place you in an actual pool hall experience of…

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There are plenty of games out there that let you assume the role of the brave human hero or the wise and valiant elf, but how many let you get the full RPG experience from the point of view of a goblin? Therein lies an interesting built-in mechanic though, one that (by nature of the very situation) sees you really sneaking around and not wanting to get caught. Think of it as a bit of a return to more “pure” stealth gameplay, if you will, and it’s really a shame that a title like this might go unnoticed or even…

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Just over a year ago Sony released the PlayStation 4, in its opening week a phenomenal 1 million units were sold in the US alone. Since its debut 13 million PS4’s have found their place in the lounge rooms of gamers worldwide. These numbers are even more impressive when compared to its principal rival the Xbox One, which has struggled to sell half the number of consoles in the same period. There is now little debate that the PS4 is the best console available, boasting immersive gameplay, high definition graphics, next generation social media capabilities and revolutionary second-screen features. The…

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It’s no secret that the Xbox One has not been the massive success Microsoft was hoping for. Since its launch it has been plagued by poor sales and has struggled to attract the blockbuster titles that the PlayStation 4 has been able to deliver in its opening year. Many gamers were hoping that 2014 would be the year that Microsoft delivered titles that would help the Xbox One overcome its poor start and begin a serious challenge to the PS4’s domination of the console gaming world. Unfortunately in addition to lacking the blockbuster releases of the PS4, many of the…

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If you’re a parent then you’re probably wondering which route to take when it comes to buying the perfect gaming related presents this Christmas. First you need to decide what you’re actually after. Are you on the lookout for a new game console? Some games? Or perhaps some accessories? This article will help you to decide what’s hot and what’s not. Of course, price will also be a major factor for many, simply click on the bold links to see the prices of the discussed products. Purchasing holiday electronics used to be fairly easy; you’d just make a choice between…

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When we think about Christmas / holiday entertainment we are often immediately drawn to movies and tv shows. After all, this is where the bulk of the experience lies, isn’t it? Of course, there are also specific video games which also do an excellent job of putting you in the spirit of the season. Each one of the titles on this list does this in its own way of course, some perhaps better than others. Look, no one is trying to say that these are the most fantastic or awe-inspiring tiles here, only that they do a great job of…

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(Mostly a rant about how awesome first-person mode is). From the moment they first announced that there was going to be a Grand Theft Auto V it was obvious that it would be making its way onto every capable platform…eventually. The timing between the release of Rockstar’s newest sandbox and that of the PS4 / Xbox One was a bit off, of course, but it worked out in the end, didn’t it? Oh, and was the wait ever worth it – this iteration of the fabled franchise is really nothing short of a complete revelation. Really, don’t go off thinking…

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At some point the video game industry diverged in a pretty major way, throwing developers apart and seemingly moving in different directions altogether. For example, you had people creating titles for largely stationary hardware, like PC’s and video game consoles (which tend to be more powerful, obviously) and those that saw the rise of handheld gaming as the next step forward. Now, everything’s starting to merge back together, where games that were once only found on immoble consumer machines making the jump to mobile platforms, one port at a time. Sometimes it even seems as if we’re headed for a…

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