When we look back at this past year of war games, such as Battlefield 1 and the latest Call of Duty game, we see that of simulated war. But does it really simulate war? Don’t get me wrong, I have and still love Battlefield 1 since the release in October and have been playing it continuously, but it is not a strong depiction of World War 1. Yes, the story mode resembles World War 1, but more so as if it was a film. The online multiplayer is just a bunch of people running willy-nilly around the map collecting and…

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Source: Jadorendr on Facebook. WB Games’ Injustice 2 got a new trailer on April 18 that highlighted the many talents of insane horticulturist Poison Ivy in battle with Batman and Catwoman and something that wouldn’t look out of place in the Little Shop of Horrors, a bit of greedy foliage planted towards the trailer’s end. With just under a month remaining till Injustice 2’s May 16 launch date, let’s take a quick look at the heroes and villains announced so far. Focusing on lesser known characters and super folk from Zack Snyder’s big screen romps, the roster of Injustice 2 is…

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ArmaGallant: Decks of Destiny (not that Destiny) is a PS4 exclusive RTS deckbuilding game based around fast paced 1v1 or 2v2 multiplayer arena battles from developer Rock Nano Global. The game boasts a quick tutorial and many different elements to pick from, rather reminiscent of Magic: The Gathering, but lacks a story mode to better get to know the workings of each faction, leaving the player to flounder on his or her own on a pretty steep learning curve. The integration of RTS into what would otherwise likely be another Hearthstone clone is an interesting idea that doesn’t pan out…

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We all saw the trailer for the Switch before its release day. The fact that it was easy to travel with as presented in the trailer made it a huge upgrade from any of Nintendo’s previous systems. Like I predicted in a much earlier article, the Switch indeed has replaced the 3DS for the most part. People I have spoken with haven’t touched their 3DS in weeks. This article however is not about what it has replaced this article is about how well does the Switch actually travel. For the most part the Switch actually travels relatively well. But depending…

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Great business simulation games are in short supply and there is always a long wait before a great title releases. Whilst this genre doesn’t entertain the same following as that of the mainstream options, the audience is still large and growing. Chris Sawyer is the person we should look to when thinking about business simulation within the world of gaming. After all, he is the creator behind some of the best titles, these include Rollercoaster Tycoon and Transport Tycoon. A recent gem, Planet Coaster, is close to perfect, but what could make it even better? This article explores. Weather Effects…

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Once upon a time you’d have probably looked to Apple for striking innovations within the smartphone market. Each new announcement was filled with new ideas, features and excitement. However, since Steve Jobs passed, we’ve seen a lacklustre approach from the US. tech giant. Perhaps as Apple’s logo suggests, there was always going to be a competitor who wanted a bite from what was once a brand who dominated the smartphone and tablet market. I’m not afraid to admit that previously I was fond of Apple’s iPhone and iPad brand. I’d take one look at the competition and quickly see that…

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Danganronpa 1.2 Reload brings two titles previously only available on the PS Vita (Trigger Happy Havoc and Goodbye Despair) together in one package for the PS4. This quirky mystery game mixes great story telling with a twisted sense of humor brought to life in anime style. You play an ordinary high school student named Makoto selected to attend the Peak Academy for geniuses.  The other students have unique skills and backgrounds including the highest ranked baseball player and the most accomplished swimmer.  Everyone attending is at the top of his or her game. This sounds great until you find out…

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Maximum Games presents Troll and I (rated T), a third-person game developed by Spiral House. The game opens with you playing Otto, a teenager who befriends a giant Troll. After evil forces destroy Otto’s village, he must find a way to stop the invading horde and avoid hunters bent on killing and capturing the mythical troll. This puzzle action adventure title (available for PS4, XO and PC) promised a lot in the trailer but unfortunately, does not deliver on almost all fronts. The voice acting and music are passable, but nothing special. On the other hand, the graphics, animation, gameplay,…

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Nintendo is really having a great time in life right now. They released the Switch which is selling very, very well. Time will tell what happens for this console but any positive news is a great thing for them to have after the failure of the Wii U, so that’s great for them. And they also released one of the best rated games in all of history. No, not against just Nintendo’s history, I mean the entire run of any game from any company ever. Things are truly looking great for them. But the Switch isn’t the only thing that…

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How would you personally define the biggest year in gaming? Are we set for a year like never seen before? Let’s take a look over some of the possibilities. scores? Is it a year where the gaming industry makes more money than ever before? Is it a year when we get the most games released, whether big or small? How about a year where a lot of great memes follow a game (or several games) release? Well, depending on whom you ask and where their place is in the gaming world, the answers will vary greatly. But I think I…

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Sonic Forces is coming! We knew that 2017 was supposed to be a return to form for Sonic the Hedgehog. We have the return to the Genesis days in Sonic Mania, and I personally cannot wait for this game! No matter what Sonic has been since the Genesis days or what he can become (hopefully all for the best) he’ll always mean the most to me in a 2D sense. That is the game series that caused me to first fall in love with video games and make them much more than a simple hobby. Sonic the Hedgehog started up…

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Every now and then, there comes along a game that I review that I stand back and say I really don’t look forward to. This started out one of those games and quickly turned into something that I actually wanted to play when it was all said and done. The game has a very basic and generic feel to it, but when you get to playing the game, you quickly discover that the game is anything but generic. The game is a lot like that of Tetris except that the music is set to that of a pulsing electric mix…

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LEGO Worlds has been long anticipated, especially with the recent returning glory of LEGO since the LEGO movie’s release. Available across PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows and Nintendo Switch, LEGO Worlds is a bright, amusing action-adventure game with, as you’ve probably guessed, the chance to become a Master Builder. There are literally thousands of items to build, a whole world you can explore to your hearts content and a chance to experiment with and mould your surroundings at will. You have the ability to demolish and reassemble terrain using some pretty awesome landscaping tools making it a rather impressive…

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Sometimes a person just wants to zone out and relax while playing a game without all of the hassle of having to worry about plots or tough controls to have to remember. Keeping it simple, like it used to be back in the day is what Dystoria is all about. This is a game that has proven to have a serious throwback to a time when video games were fun and we would spend hundreds or even in my case thousands of dollars in quarters trying to save the universe. Nonetheless, dystoria is a game that will challenge you to…

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Breath of the Wild has been out just over a week and without a doubt I can say this is the best Zelda game out there right now. There are a few flaws that make it from being out right perfect, but all games have their flaws. Whether you play it on the Wii U or the Switch (I recommend the later only because there is a slight difference in distance rendering and it makes the quality look amazing), but whichever system you play the game is still going to be the same. If you read my last article, you…

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Tearaway: Unfolded shows Media Molecule’s masterful touch that they possess on the video games they develop. Each video game that is put out by them has been very light hearted, quirky, and beautiful to look at, and Tearaway Unfolded is no exception to this. Tearaway Unfolded is a port of the 2013 Vita exclusive Tearaway, that may genuinely be the prettiest game on the PlayStation 4. This seamless port of a solid game definitely survives the test of time, and is definitely a game that should be in the library of anyone that had not gotten to play it on…

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Much of the talk happening within the gaming community right now surrounds the Nintendo Switch. Recently launched, gamers and journalists are beginning to unravel what they think of this new console. Initial sales figures are more than encouraging and, of course, excitement levels are always high when a new console launches. This article explores what the future might hold for the Switch. Let’s begin. Nintendo has entered their new console with the ambition of providing something different. It isn’t entering a race of which console is the most powerful, but rather, it wants to take the crown for offering the…

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Horizon: Zero Dawn is a solid package that contains an extremely enjoyable storyline, superb characters with development in recurring ones, and a not overwhelming yet exciting and gorgeous open world. As a no doubt front runner for I’m sure numerous “Game of the Year” awards. Horizon does everything it intends to do, and then some, with incredible set pieces to make the twenty-hour adventure one you are very happy you partook in. With nit-picking issues few and far between, Horizon: Zero Dawn is a game easy to recommend for any PlayStation player. The story in Horizon: Zero Dawn is magnificent…

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The Nintendo Switch just came out, to glowing reviews and apparently some record setting sales for the Big N, which is great for them! Whether you’re a Nintendo fan or not, it’s always a good thing to see one of the Big 3 (Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony) have good launches and sell well. It benefits the entire gaming industry when any one of the companies does well, even more so when all 3 are hitting a good stride. But alas, as with any new major hardware launch, there have been troubles with the Switch. Folks are finding that the screen of…

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Nintendo Switch seems like the perfect platform to host it’s first launch game, Super Bomberman R. It can be played on a big television or on a portable device and it sticks to the classic Bomberman style of it’s predecessors. The thirty-third in a line of Bomberman classics, the latest one stands true to the game’s original formats. However, it is a little overpriced for what’s included, selling at a whopping $50 a pop. The Bomberman franchise has long been considered one of the greatest multiplayer games out there, so launching the comeback of fun-loving robots in Super Bomberman R…

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By now the Nintendo Switch is on the minds of people everywhere. The question is should you go ahead and buy one or wait around and see how things go? There are those that will say that buying one of these when they first come out will be a mistake as you should wait and see if any bugs appear, and if they do, then you need to make sure that you get a model that comes out later after all of the bugs have been fixed. However, I provide an argument as to why you need to go out and…

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I’ve had a hard time trying to justify buying Nintendo’s new console. For a start I’ve still got tons of games to get through on my PS4 – there’s no way I’m turning my back on the library of titles that I’ve got sat underneath my TV right now and the last thing I really want to do is add another console to the pile. But… I travel a fair bit, spend plenty of time commuting and also enjoy playing games in bed. A quick 30 minutes of Monster Hunter or Hohokum often sends me right to sleep. On top…

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Nintendo and Legend of Zelda go together like peanut butter and jelly. We have been waiting so long for these two and we finally have them. The Switch is an incredible and smart and innovated piece of technology, while the Breath of the Wild is an all-around fantastic game. For those of you lucky enough to get your hands on this system yesterday, and believe me, it was nearly impossible to get ahold of one. But if you were you know exactly what this article is going to be about. For those of you still unsure whether to get it,…

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In nine hours stores on the East Coast will be opening their doors to release the Nintendo Switch to the public. I do hope I can get my hands on one tonight. That way I can give you a full in depth review of the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. But we know how well that is going to succeed. I don’t want to talk about the “what we know,” I want to talk about the “what we think.” With the release of the Switch we have been given an in-depth list of what games will be launched…

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