The very concept of losing weight is rather simple, yet it’s an issue many face within the modern world we live. Whilst gaming is mentally engaging, it is often blamed as an activity that encourages weight gain. However, this myth is about to be debunked. Let’s begin. Our bodies are like machines, they need fuel. Everything we consume has a value, calculated in calories. Each induvial has a different need and there are many factors involved, such as age, gender and height. Thus, the activities you enjoy can help promote weight loss, but they certainly don’t contribute to weight-gain directly.…

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For years, Lorne Lanning and company have been trying to create the kind of impressive Oddworld experience that both long-time fans and casual players would grow to appreciate. Well, I think they’ve finally hit the mark with Stranger’s Wrath, a simply stunning achievement on every single count. Graphics? Beautiful. Gameplay? Rock solid, with a keen amount of attention put into the gameplay styles. Sound? Classic Western style, even with some annoyances. The first great game of 2005 has arrived. Don’t miss it. I’ll have to admit, I haven’t always dabbled into the Oddworld universe. Years ago, when the series was…

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When it comes to cities, there’s nowhere more iconic than New York. As one of the most famous cities in the world, there’s always been an air of cinematic brilliance about the city that’s made it the centerpiece of countless gaming experiences. From the towering empire state building to the silent patriotism of the Statue of Liberty, New York is emblematic of the western world. The winding streets and the vast central park have made it an ideal location for open world games like GTA IV. Indeed, there’s no city that characterizes western civilization and development quite like New York.…

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Today I will be taking another look at Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, though a much later part of the game than before. Last time we covered an early boss, but now I’m covering two areas and the bosses inside them. Before that, though, there is a tiny bit more plot to cover. Since the Doopelganger battle, Alucard has discovered someone else trying to stop Dracula, a girl named Maria who has magical powers. He later finds Richter Belmont, but rather than stopping Dracula, the former vampire hunter seems to be acting as the lord of the castle himself, even…

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With the 2017 E3 wrapping up, there was a lot to cover on a number of fronts. This is the one time of the year when everything electronic is revealed by a number of the makers. As usual, there was the usual gathering of the video game manufactures that all were putting out for display their latest offerings. One of the takeaways from the show was Microsoft and their new Xbox console, more on that later in this article. Not to be outdone, Nintendo and Sony held their own when it came to their presentations and showed that while it…

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