Author: Michael Craig

Hello, I'm Michael! I like to play video games, obviously, and my very first console was the original PlayStation I got as a kid. Considering it came out the same year I was born, I've been gaming for quite some time now. My favourite games of all time include Dragon Age: Origins, Portal 2, the entire of the Batman Arkham series, and many others. It's also a safe guess that if you can't find me, I'm likely hooked to my PS4 either still trying to work my way through the Witcher 3, or 100% Ratchet and Clank. I can be a slow gamer.
If you’re interested in Mafia 3, but haven’t played the first two, fear not! There isn’t much you need to know anyway, but let’s take a look. The original Mafia released back in 2002, and its sequel came out 8 years later in 2010. I loved both of the games, as did most critics at the time. Both had original characters, unique stories, though they had no obvious connections to one another. The first followed Tommy Angelo who meets with a detective, and in exchange for immunity, gives up everything he knows on his boss. The game plays through all…