Author: Kevin Tanza

Professional writer that loves videogames, fiction and Heavy Metal. Probably does too many JoJo references. Just maybe.
Difficulty is part of the systems we interact when we are playing video games. Back in the 80s, in the golden age of arcade halls, difficulty was used primarily to encourage players to keep inserting coins, then with the arrival of consoles, it was used to extend gameplay time. Over the years, video games have become more accessible, allowing players to complete them, and adapting the difficulty to their abilities. Although there are exceptions, and this article wants to show you some of the most difficult missions/levels of video games. So if you are looking for a challenge, you will…
The world is divided into two types of people: those who love plot twists and those who hate them. I personally love them because I love surprises because a plot twist can be a gamer’s best friend. In the last decade, developers have started to apply plot twists to video games more frequently and today this literary technique is one of the most beloved by fans because it brings more power to the history. Today we are going to be choosing the 10 best plot twists in the history of video games so sit back and enjoy this top. Let’s…
Every video game has its own unique storyline and within that storyline there are mind-blowing missions that keep us in our seats. Choosing the best missions or levels in video games is a tough challenge because you have more missions than video games itself and there are a lot of levels that are remembered and left an everlasting impression on gamers because how immersive, shocking, or innovative they were. Few game developers went an extra mile to give us a great experience in some missions and today we are going to talk about those missions or levels. These are the…
Horror is one of the most popular video game genres out there and, whether you like it or not, some of the best experiences you can have in video games is playing a horror video game. The use of tense atmosphere, disturbing images, dark passages and scary monsters is an effective way to keep players in their seats. However, in some cases these elements can appear in non-horror games and they still can scare the living daylights out of you. Today we are going to talk about missions or levels that are really scary that aren’t part of a horror…
The decade that began with the Xbox, GameCube, Dreamcast and PlayStation 2 and ended with the Xbox 360, Wii, and PlayStation 3 is considered one of the best eras when we talk about video games because of the innovations in both gameplay and storytelling and, obviously, the technical advances in graphics and mechanics. It is also a period where a lot of critically acclaimed video games were released that influenced a big part of the video games we play today. With that in mind, today we are going to select the top 10 best video games of the decade so…
The Nintendo Switch is a console that was never considered the most powerful or the better console in the current market, but the possibility of turning a table console into a portable one brought critical acclaim to the latest Nintendo creation. Without a doubt its popularity is almost the same as the Xbox Series X/S or the Play Station 5, something that both the Wii and the Wii U weren’t able to accomplish. Now, sports games on Switch are different when you compare them to the other sports games on Xbox, Play Station, etc. In this case, Switch’s sport games…
The thing about sequels is that they usually are created when the original project was really good and they start working on the sequel which, most times, can be pretty bad. In some other cases, the sequel truly lives up to its potential and becomes a better work than its predecessor. Today we are going to talk about those video games which received a sequel that is better than the original and why they were so good. This is the 12 best video game sequels ever. 12. The Sims 2 – 2004 The Sims is widely regarded as one of…
Throughout the history we have learned that no matter how great and important your gaming franchise is, there will be a least one game in your franchise that will be considered bad. In the Souls saga you have Dark Souls 2, in the BioShock saga you have BioShock 2 and in the Devil May franchise you have Devil May Cry 2 (because in this house we think that the DMC reboot is very good). It is funny because there 3 games I mentioned before are very solid games in their own right but let’s get more serious since these are…
Telling you the exact definition for the hack and slack genre it is really hard. Now, imagine making a top about the best 15 games of the genre… that is way harder. Even for those who are die-hard fans of the genre cannot be 100% satisfied when they choose the best video games of the genre. It is going to be very challening for us, but, hey, we love what we do here. This is our top 15 hack and slash video games ever. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 – 2010 When you are a Star Wars’ fan, the…
Music is an integral part in our lives and it is also a very important aspect in video games. Going from “bleeps and bloops” to orchestral pieces of arts, the soundtrack in a video game is something that adds a lot of weight when you are playing or just reviewing a game. Sometimes they are so majestic that they make you remember a boss fight, a cutscene or even just the beginning of the adventure. Today we will rank the 15 best video games soundtracks, so let’s begin. Bloodborne – SIE Sound Team Sometimes, silence itself is a great soundtrack…
The PS3 was a console that brought a lot of joy in my teenager days and I’m sure that applies to many of you. It is not only one of the definitive consoles of the previous decade, but also one that proved the maxim that not everything needs to hit the ground running to work. Despite the slower start compared to the great PS1 and the universally acclaimed and almost immortal PS2, Sony was able to turn the tables and release one amazing exclusive after the other, but we are not here to talk only about the exclusives. We are…
Both video games and anime share the same DNA: both of them were born or were innovated in Japan and also both of them tend to push themselves to break the system with innovations and new mind-blowing stuff. I personally love both of them as they are part of me since I was a little kid so it was inevitable to talk about this. In this article you are going to find the 15 best video games based on anime. What made them work, their biggest strengths and a little bit about the series that inspired the game. So, let’s…