Author: Jessica Thompson

As a dedicated gaming journalist with over five years of experience, I've immersed myself in the ever-evolving world of video games. Currently, I contribute to and, where I cover the latest in gaming news, in-depth game reviews, and industry trends. At, I've had the privilege of shaping content strategies, writing comprehensive articles, and engaging with a passionate community of gamers. My role involves not only crafting engaging narratives but also staying ahead of the curve with the latest gaming innovations and upcoming titles.
Anime games are the talk of the town. Sales indicate that more and more people are now turning towards anime games, largely due to the popularity of anime TV series. A few years ago, their popularity was confined to a few countries, like Japan. However, today, the demand for anime games is on a constant rise and they are sold like hot cakes even in the US. If you are new to the world of anime, or if you’re looking at some good titles to try, then you have landed on the right page. Given below are six of the…
When it comes to new releases, Rockstar Games sure do like to take their time. They’re one of the most profitable publishers in video games, and yet they’ve definitely resisted the urge to churn out titles over the years. Really, that’s great for us, the fans. Because over nearly two decades in business, games which have been both developed and published by Rockstar have been consistently excellent. The time that they take between releases is spent dreaming up fascinating characters, fleshing out detailed worlds, honing razor-sharp scripts and, of course, hiding endless Easter eggs. It was with mixed emotions, then,…
The genre of open world games took off in earnest during the early 2000’s, when rapidly advancing technology allowed developers to create the likes of GTA III and Morrowind. Fast-forward fifteen years or so, and open world games are more popular now than they’ve ever been before. Gamers want the freedom to explore a living, believable world at their own pace, and publishers – led by industry giants Ubisoft – have been more than happy to oblige. 2017 has already seen us blessed with not one, but two of the finest open world games of recent times (more on those…
Throne: Kingdom at War Review: Taking Mobile Strategy to a New Level
Mobile strategy games are great, but have you ever felt like things could be a little bit more, well, interactive? Sure, the timed elements mean you have to make effective moves and continually stay engaged with the action if you want to succeed. However, when you’re on your own with no one else to turn to, this dynamic can become a little tedious over time. Fortunately, there is an answer and it comes in the form of Plarium’s Throne: Kingdom at War. Part of the company’s ever-expanding suite of mobile MMO strategy games, this medieval quest sees you assume the…
There’s nothing like an intense stealth game to sharpen the senses. For years, gamers have been inching there way round hordes of unsuspecting enemies. Anything but complete slickness will be punished with a wave of unwanted enemies and attention. Below, we take a look at the best stealth games ever created, just to keep you on your toes! Hitman 2: Silent Assassin First on our list is the violent extravagance of Hitman 2: Silent Assassin. Throughout the game you’ll need to stay in the shadows to evade your enemies before taking them out. You’ll have a number of methods at…
When it comes to cutting edge mischief, there’s nothing quite like a computer hacker to capture our imagination. As we become more connected to our devices than ever before, we become ever more fascinated in those who’ve danced their way around modern cyber security. Whether it’s elaborate Internet heists, government hackers or hacktivist groups there’s something innately compelling about the story of these online Houdini’s. Below we take a look at the most prolific computer hackers in modern history. 1. Gary McKinnon As one of the most controversial cases on this list, Gary McKinon hacked into 97 US military systems…
There’s nothing like the escapism of an adventure game to take us into an entirely new world. Whilst FPS and other genres can be very entertaining, the adventure genre gives gamers something substantial to sink their teeth into. It’s easy to spend countless hours exploring and going on a new adventure. Below we take a look at the Best Adventure Games Ever Created, and the best games to help you get through your weekends! 1. The Last of Us In the dystopian world of The Last of Us, you’ll be thrown into one of the most adverse apocalyptic environments you’ve…
Ever since gaming rose to mainstream popularity gamers have been looking for opportunities to test their metal in fighting arenas. We’ve all had the compulsion to hone our reflexes and try to kick seven shades out of our friends at one point or another! From the cartoon excess of Super Smash Bros all the way to the gritty realism of EA UFC, fighting games are one of the most diverse genres available today. Whether you’re playing on your own at home, or playing with a group of friends, rattling of 12 punch combinations will always provide an immense thrill. Below,…
Gunning For Glory: The Top 5 Most Coveted CS:GO Skins
Ah, Counter-Strike. A staple in the first-person shooter genre and one of the more successful eSports out there, CS:GO has a large following of gamers who aren’t just worried about having the best kill-death ratio but rather the best-looking gun or knife on the market. However, it isn’t just the guns themselves, it’s the countless skins on them that people are going crazy over. And when we say crazy, we mean the type of crazy that has people spending hundreds of dollars on a skin or buying loot boxes one right after the other just to open them all on…
Total War: Warhammer is arguably the most successful of Creative Assembly’s long-running franchise. The marriage of classic TW gameplay and Warhammer Fantasy setting seemed like an obvious choice. The thing is, it doesn’t exactly escape what we’d expect from a strategy games, most factions seem pretty standard fare, all things considered. We’ve played as humans, elves, or dwarves many times in the past. This is lucky, then, that Creative Assembly brought something relatively fresh to the mix for both the first Total War: Warhammer and its upcoming sequel. Let’s figure out what’s the deal is with factions other than the…
Real Time Strategy, more frequently referred to as RTS, games are titles where the player’s job is to build, gather and develop their resources in a simulation which can take place in various settings. However, the big bonus is that these settings can be both realistic or fantasy, take place anywhere and even go back in time! This provides gamers with a diverse range of play, and there’s a big demand for RTS games. With so many excellent titles out there in this niche it’s hard to narrow the choice down to just a few, but there are some which…
If you’re looking for a true to life farming experience, one need look no further than the Farming Simulator series. Its success on PC and Consoles is unrivalled, but what if you need that farming fix on the go? Luckily, Farming Simulator 18 is now available on Nintendo 3DS, PS Vita, IOS and Android and it’s fair to say it’s a pleasant experience. But how does it hold up against it’s predecessors? First and foremost, Farming Simulator 18 is a mobile edition so don’t expect a fully fledged, full to the brim title like previous title Farming Simulator 17. While it doesn’t come close to 17’s over…
If you have nerves of steel and don’t mind being scared out of your skin, there’s plenty of games which fit the bill. Far more than just combat or shooting, there are some games which have cornered the market on fear. Some trade on making you jump out of your skin without warning while others bombard you with violence and horror from the start. The one thing they all share in common is the ability to utterly terrify the player in creative and disturbing ways which are impossible to forget. If this sounds like your idea of entertainment, take a…
While it is fun and all to play Happy Wheels levels that others have taken the time to create, the real fun is sitting down and creating your very own level to allow your creativity to be set free. By now if you have played this game at all, you have more than likely asked yourself how a play managed to create a level like the one you played. The answer is actually kind of easy and will not take that long to accomplish. We will walk you through the basics to help you get on your way. While this…
Having data stored in a portable device can offer many benefits, particularly if you regularly move from one location to another. Much easier to transport around than a laptop and with a larger memory than a tablet, portable USB devices offer a huge amount of convenience, but lack security. Until now…. The diskAshur² is a beast of a device, offering up to 2 TB of storage. However, while there’s a definite capacity, the huge news is that it is hot on security too. There are other devices which offer encryption, but it is rare to find hardware that’s as well…
There’s something about playing a good Tennis game that gets the blood pumping. Whether it’s the summer heat, the one-to-one competition or the blistering pace of the racket play, Tennis has always translated well into video games. Over the years, we’ve enjoyed a range of games from the authentic, to the impossible and the downright surreal. Below we take a look at the Top 10 Tennis Games. Tennis 1984 Way back in 1984, Tennis was released on Gameboy as the first widespread tennis game. Though it was not the first tennis game, it is one of the best recognized for…
In 2014 an independent developer rocked the market with their version of a golfing sim, The Golf Club, stealing the limelight from the usual suspects. Since then, players have been clamouring for a follow-up and three years on HB Studios have granted their wishes with The Golf Club 2. The success of the original title means that this time around, there’s a huge amount of anticipation about the gameplay, and a reputation to live up to. So how does The Golf Club 2 shape up compared to its predecessor? More than just golf Many players may buy this title on…
If you’re a fan of fighting games but have only been having limited success with playing on a D-pad, it might be time to crank things up a bit. While it’s entirely possible to play fighting games on your PS3 with the regular games controller, if you’re aiming for more accuracy, slicker moves and all-round kick-ass action then an arcade stick is your best bet. Sadly just switching to an arcade stick won’t suddenly make you slice through your enemies like a pro. In fact, you could even experience a temporary set-back while you get used to the different way…
One of the biggest and most competitive gaming communities in the world, League of Legends offers endless opportunities whether you want to play against artificial or human opponents. With an expansive league of champions to choose from and an endless amount of strategies to experiment with, League of Legends is a game that will test you in every way possible, and then some. Whether you’re a new gamer or have been playing a while, it’s always possible to improve at League of Legends. With global tournaments and constant updates, you’ll need to do your homework if you want to be…
The Best Gaming Chairs – Are You Ready For Comfortable Gaming?
Whether you’re settling down for a session of FIFA or COD, the chances are that you’re going to be there for a while so you want to be comfy. While an old beanbag or sofa might suffice, having a gaming chair will make the whole experience that little bit more enjoyable. But what factors should you consider when looking for the holy grail of gaming chairs? A lot of it is down to personal preference but there’s some key aspects to consider including the position of your TV and the space you have available for your new throne. Here’s a…
In the modern world, it’s far more convenient to hold information digitally and one of the simplest ways to achieve this is with the use of a USB flash drive. Easy to use, compact in size and convenient to transport, it’s now possible to save vast amounts of data on one small stick. But while it has undoubted advantages, security remains the one big potential flaw. It’s not difficult to lose a USB and if it falls into the wrong hands, that means any personal data being held will too. The new wave of USB flash drives have found a…
The Worms games have been a welcome iteration in the gaming world since the mid-90s, with the 1995 PlayStation game launching the brand into the public’s eye. Since then it has gone from strength-to-strength, keeping up with ever-evolving trends in the gaming scene over the last two decades. From a fairly regimented console experience with two control pads and disc-based games to the internet-connected, online multiplayer gaming we see today, Worms has stayed relevant. The charm of the brand lies in the fact that it has never taken itself too seriously, especially compared to other strategy games, instead focusing the…
Can The Future of Gaming Help Conquer The Obesity Crisis?
The very concept of losing weight is rather simple, yet it’s an issue many face within the modern world we live. Whilst gaming is mentally engaging, it is often blamed as an activity that encourages weight gain. However, this myth is about to be debunked. Let’s begin. Our bodies are like machines, they need fuel. Everything we consume has a value, calculated in calories. Each induvial has a different need and there are many factors involved, such as age, gender and height. Thus, the activities you enjoy can help promote weight loss, but they certainly don’t contribute to weight-gain directly.…
For years, Lorne Lanning and company have been trying to create the kind of impressive Oddworld experience that both long-time fans and casual players would grow to appreciate. Well, I think they’ve finally hit the mark with Stranger’s Wrath, a simply stunning achievement on every single count. Graphics? Beautiful. Gameplay? Rock solid, with a keen amount of attention put into the gameplay styles. Sound? Classic Western style, even with some annoyances. The first great game of 2005 has arrived. Don’t miss it. I’ll have to admit, I haven’t always dabbled into the Oddworld universe. Years ago, when the series was…
When it comes to cities, there’s nowhere more iconic than New York. As one of the most famous cities in the world, there’s always been an air of cinematic brilliance about the city that’s made it the centerpiece of countless gaming experiences. From the towering empire state building to the silent patriotism of the Statue of Liberty, New York is emblematic of the western world. The winding streets and the vast central park have made it an ideal location for open world games like GTA IV. Indeed, there’s no city that characterizes western civilization and development quite like New York.…
With the 2017 E3 wrapping up, there was a lot to cover on a number of fronts. This is the one time of the year when everything electronic is revealed by a number of the makers. As usual, there was the usual gathering of the video game manufactures that all were putting out for display their latest offerings. One of the takeaways from the show was Microsoft and their new Xbox console, more on that later in this article. Not to be outdone, Nintendo and Sony held their own when it came to their presentations and showed that while it…