Author: Jessica Thompson

As a dedicated gaming journalist with over five years of experience, I've immersed myself in the ever-evolving world of video games. Currently, I contribute to and, where I cover the latest in gaming news, in-depth game reviews, and industry trends.  At, I've had the privilege of shaping content strategies, writing comprehensive articles, and engaging with a passionate community of gamers. My role involves not only crafting engaging narratives but also staying ahead of the curve with the latest gaming innovations and upcoming titles.

For a long time, PC gaming was exclusively the premise of keyboard-and-mouse users. Many PC games in the 1990s and 2000s were obtuse, difficult affairs, often requiring players to memorise hundreds of different button combinations and keyboard shortcuts in order to maximise their efficiency while playing (lookin’ at you, System Shock 2). Incomprehensible flight simulators, complex RPGs and real-time strategy games dominated the landscape, and all looked bleak for the “casual” gamer. These days, though, the lines between PC and consoles are blurred. The immediacy of console gaming has not gone unnoticed by PC gaming enthusiasts; many titles which would…

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There aren’t enough happy games in the world. Most video games these days revolve around gruff, grim people trying to do gruff, grim things in a gruff, grim world. That’s not a criticism; some of our favourite games take place in relentlessly dark universes where there are no moral absolutes, only shades of grey. It’s just, well…can’t we all lighten up a little? Happily, Harvest Moon / Story of Seasons creator Yasuhiro Wada appears to agree with us. His latest title, Happy Birthdays, is an unflinchingly colourful, joyous outing in which absolutely everything is adorable. From dinosaurs to rhinos, from…

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Turn-based combat is a tricky beast. Get it right and you’ve got something like XCOM: Enemy Unknown, a thrilling, tense battle of strategy and wits between two evenly-matched enemies. Get it wrong, though, and you’ve got a player staring catatonically at the TV, mashing buttons until combat automatically resolves itself. It’s a delicate balancing act for sure, and one that the folks at YYT Games looked to overcome with the Fallen Legion titles. Fallen Legion: Rise to Glory offers both Fallen Legion titles in a single package, which makes this a pretty perfect time to go back and see how…

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“Take me home, country roads/To the place I belong/West Virginia, mountain mama/Take me home, country roads”. So go the lyrics to John Denver’s famous “Take Me Home, Country Roads”, a song that Bethesda has been working very hard indeed to attach to its online survival RPG Fallout 76. This song is already something of a cultural touchstone, having appeared memorably in American Dad!, Kingsman: The Golden Circle and many other places. It might seem like a bit of a non sequitur to start by talking about Denver’s iconic song, but there’s a parallel here to be drawn between “Take Me…

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When a particular game does what it does so well that it becomes a runaway financial and critical success, pretenders are bound to appear. For every Dark Souls, there’s a Lords of the Fallen. For every Sonic the Hedgehog or Super Mario Bros, there’s a Bubsy. For every Spider-Man 2, there’s a Prototype. Sometimes, these games iterate on and expand on their predecessors to create much better experiences, but sometimes they’re just straight rip-offs, content to wallow in their betters’ success. Nowhere is this more true than in the realms of Mario Kart. Since Mario Kart 64, a legion of…

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When revisiting old video gaming classics, there’s always a sense of dread that the reality won’t match up to your memories. Nostalgia is a funny old thing, and it blinds even the best of us, especially when we’ve grown up with something and can’t extricate it from memories of our childhood. The games we played when we were younger will almost never hold up to modern scrutiny; they’ll forever be preserved in amber, remaining a pleasant but unattainable fiction for us. Sometimes, though, a game you played when you were younger is just as brilliant as you remember it being.…

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Video games have always enjoyed a strong relationship with other forms of media. Whether through the amazing translations seen with Rocksteady’s Batman Arkham games or the less-than-impressive old-school Atari 2600 translation of E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial, the franchise potential has always been a source of interest. However, somewhat oddly, we have recently seen an increasing trend of older television shows receiving modern adaptions into the world of gaming. Why does this happen, and what examples help illustrate this development? The Key of Appeal While it might have been true that there used to be some level of stigma towards video game enthusiasm,…

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It’s not hard to remember a time when Call of Duty was king of the video game world. Each successive instalment after 2007’s groundbreaking Call of Duty: Modern Warfare was received rapturously by both critics and audiences alike, and the game’s ubiquitous multiplayer mode was an unimpeachable titan, the go-to method of entertainment for couch co-op (Zombies) and online competition (Deathmatch) alike. Fastforward to 2018, and Call of Duty isn’t quite in the same place as it used to be. It’s arguably been overtaken in the class-based shooter stakes by competitor Battlefield and distant relative Overwatch, while its multiplayer free-for-all…

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If you’re anything like us, then cloud storage is your best friend. The convenience of being able to store a file in the cloud and then grab it from any other device is unbeatable; we remember the days when we used to carry around USB sticks with our files on them, terrified that they’d end up corrupted if our computers decided they didn’t like them. Cloud storage has completely solved that problem. By far the most commonly used (and useful) cloud storage format is Google Drive. Anyone with a Google account can access Drive, and it has apps available for…

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The war between Android and iOS is an ongoing one, and it’s not looking likely that it’ll end any time soon. iPhone users swear by their devices’ accessibility, out-of-the-box efficiency and ecosystem of curated apps, while Android lovers are enamoured with the customisation and versatility that their platform affords. One thing’s for certain, though; these two platforms are more indistinct than they’ve ever been. The gulf of quality which once could have been said to exist between them has narrowed significantly, mostly thanks to the efforts of South Korean giant Samsung. Of course, Samsung doesn’t just make phones; they’re also…

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Those of you who didn’t exist yet in the ‘90s will probably be too young to remember the console wars. We’re not talking about the long-standing rivalry between Sony and Microsoft, oh no. Back in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s, the console landscape was utterly dominated by SEGA and Nintendo, two Japanese giants of gaming whose legacies persist to this day. The rivalries were similar, but the tactics and methods used on the battlefield were slightly different. Nintendo started off the ‘90s with a clear lead. The Game Boy had a stranglehold on the handheld market thanks to its…

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There was a time when video games were considered exclusively a male pastime. Most marketing campaigns for games in the ‘80s, ‘90s and 2000s were clearly aimed at men and boys; their aggressive language, fast-paced editing and confrontational nature suggested a focus on masculinity. Nowadays, thankfully, the gaming landscape is a bit more equal, and we have games which are suitable not only for both sexes, but for people of all persuasions and tastes. That said, there’s still a lot of work to be done. Girls are still massively underrepresented in the video game sphere; though the groundwork is being…

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Japan has a long and storied history in the video game industry. Although the first video games didn’t come from Japan (Tennis for Two was designed and built in New York), it was Japanese companies who refined and perfected the video game art form throughout the 1980s and 1990s. Classic consoles like the NES, Sega Genesis and PlayStation are all Japanese creations, as are many video game household names like Mario, Sonic and Link. That said, the Japanese have never been huge on PC gaming, which has traditionally been a Western discipline. Real-time strategy games, first-person shooters and MMORPGs have…

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Quest and adventure games are alive and kicking. While timeless classics never seize to amaze, virtual and augmented reality tech creates a more immersive gaming experience. Quest & Adventure Games: Old Gold and the Bright Future Foretold Puzzlers, point-and-click adventures, and exploration games hold a special place in players’ hearts. They pull you in with enthralling atmosphere, smart dialogue, and sheer thrill of discovery. We all know the “classic literature”, but we also have to notice that modern technology is breathing new life into the genre. We are no longer confined to just sitting in front of the screen: digital technologies…

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Are you’re probably aware, screen recording videos are different from other types of videos due to the fact that they are captured directly from the screen of computers (or other devices). Because of that the factors that affect their quality are slightly different as well – although there are a few common threads. It is important that you know and understand the factors that affect the quality of screen recording videos – so that you know what to focus on if you want to improve it. In particular there are three factors that have an important part to play: Resolution…

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There is one point in your childhood when you become addicted to gaming. Sometimes your studies even suffer from it and your parents get worried about your future. They will insist that computer games will get you nowhere and lead you astray. I did a fair share of cutting classes and received plenty of spankings. But those days are over. Computer gaming, particularly eSports gaming, has become lucrative and is now considered a career. With an estimated revenue of USD $492 million in 2016, eSports is experiencing an unprecedented change of perception. You now have an acceptable motivation to pursue…

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Sometimes there’s just no beating the classics. New games may shock and astound us with increasingly fancy graphics and features, but there’s a simple pleasure in revisiting the games of yesteryear, in going back to a simpler time before online multiplayer and loot box controversies. Of course, the optimal way to do this is to dust off your old PS2 in the attic and hook it up to the ancient CRT TV you’ve still got stashed away in the spare bedroom. There’s nothing quite like experiencing Metal Gear Solid 3 on its original hardware. Of course, there are many reasons…

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A likeable screen presence can go a very, very long way. Many movies which would have otherwise been unremarkable or downright bad have been elevated by the presence of an actor whose very appearance on screen signals a sort of collective sigh of relief. Scarlett Johansson, Gary Oldman and Harrison Ford, to name but a few, have all repeatedly handed their names over to fairly middling projects, and in so doing made them watchable. To that list, one might be tempted to add Mark Wahlberg, who is swiftly becoming both a reliable box office draw and a solid indicator of…

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Studies have suggested that human beings need other human beings around them in order to function properly. We are social animals, after all, and being lonely for lengthy periods of time has been linked to health complications and psychological problems. Put simply, we just need others to make our lives better. The presence of other human beings helps us get through life’s tough times, and they’re there for the good parts, too. There’s no reason why gaming should be any different. Sure, single-player games are great, but for our money, there’s no beating a well-made MMO. Being surrounded by other…

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When Red Dead Redemption was released way back in 2010, it was an instant classic. Transposing the free-form open-world formula pioneered by the 3D Grand Theft Auto games to a Wild West setting proved to be inspired, as did replacing that series’ traditional madcap crime capering with a surprisingly sombre and heartfelt tale of, well, redemption. We’d venture to say that Red Dead Redemption may actually be a better game than any of the titles which inspired it, including the Grand Theft Auto games and its predecessor, Red Dead Revolver. With that in mind, demand for a sequel was completely…

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The modern business environment is probably more complicated than it has ever been. Thanks to the continuous stream of new digital and business tech developments, there is a bewildering array of methods, strategies and ideas that can help you create, grow and run a successful business, and most of them involve technology. Of course, the fundamentals remain in place. As any transformational leader from Bill Gates to Keith Krach will tell you, good businesses require good leadership, vision, energy, passion and knowledge. However, the modern entrepreneur also has to be tech-savvy. If you hope to be in a position to…

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Did you know it’s been 9 years since the advent of Codemasters’ F1 series? That’s right – this series has been chugging along since way back in 2009, when British company Sumo Digital created F1 2009 for the Wii and PSP, of all platforms. Fastforward to 2018, and the F1 series has gone from strength to strength, with solid entries every year since 2009. Ask any Formula One fan, though, and they’ll say the core gameplay of the franchise was in need of a minor shake-up. A survey conducted by Codemasters found that players were dropping out of the game…

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As a gamer, your setup is a collection of your most prized possessions. Your TV, sound system and even your seating arrangement are all essential to the way you engage with the medium. Playing games on other people’s displays and in other people’s houses can be a bit of an alienating experience for this very reason. Sometimes, though, circumstances will take you away from home, and you won’t have access to your equipment. When this happens, you should be calling on portable gaming monitors. Portable displays are an excellent way to take your favourite games with you wherever you go.…

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In this world of constant streaming and marathon gaming sessions, gamers’ eyes are taking more of a battering than they ever have. Even if you don’t normally need glasses, you might not be aware of the potential damage staring at your monitor could be doing. Simply put, that lengthy Overwatch or League of Legends session could be doing both temporary and permanent damage to your retinas. The culprit here is blue light. Computer monitors, TVs and other displays produce mainly blue light, which is a contributing factor to eye strain and could, with overexposure, potentially lead to permanent retina damage…

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Virtual Reality, or VR for short, used to be more of a novelty for home gamers. Today, many companies are investing heavily into the VR market, and with the advances and reduction in costs, it’s here to stay. With platforms such as the HTC VIVE, virtual reality is more accessible than it’s ever been before. More and more gamers are installing these VR platforms in their homes to play games in the ever-growing library of VR games. Of course, to run these games, you need a laptop that’s up to the task. VR is very hardware intensive, especially when it…

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Many sci-fi visions of the future included voice-controlled devices of some sort. Whether the plucky protagonists were ordering the lights to be dimmed or telling laser turrets to fire on the enemy spaceship, voice control was an integral part of what we thought the future would look like a few years back. Now, it seems, the future has arrived, since Amazon’s Alexa service allows you to do all sorts of things with your smart devices using just your voice. Of course, you won’t be firing on enemy ships (not yet, anyway), but that doesn’t mean you can’t still feel like…

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Most games are almost all about the characters. While things like plot and landscape certainly play a role in the success of a game, characters are the foundation. All 3D characters start as an idea, then they’re transformed into 3D models. From there, you’ll add things like texture and materials to make them begin to look unique. Finally, you’ll need a rigging system for controlling movements so animators are able to breathe life into these game characters. Games are more fun to play when the characters are interactive and animated. Here are the top 5 tips and tricks for building…

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The loss of data is a nightmare scenario for many people who rely heavily on their computers. In recent years, more and more companies are coming out with products that purport to be able to help you recover your lost, deleted, or corrupted files. EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard is a free data recovery software that can help you get your deleted, formatted, or lost data back, whether using a PC, laptop, or removable device. It is easy to use and has helped over 72,000,000 people recover their important files. Features  EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Free comes with a nice package…

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Nowadays many people are worried about the amount of hours they lose in social networks when they should be working. It is the so-called procrastination, dealing with irrelevant things and leaving the truly important tasks for later. But in reality these distractions in front of the PC started in the past, before Zuckerberg launched Facebook and the kitten videos dominated Instagram. It started with a very popular game in its day: Windows Solitaire. Considered the most used Microsoft application in the world by the company itself, this innocent entertainment has a fascinating history full of surprises. 28 years ago, in…

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Consider, if you will, a perfectly constructed piece of furniture. Ornate and exquisitely carved, with minute designs etched into high-quality wood, this chair, this wardrobe, this bed hasn’t been created to break new ground, but to serve a specific purpose extremely well, and to look great doing it. In many ways, that’s analogous to the work of British developer Traveller’s Tales, who since 2005 have been increasingly focused on creating games in the Lego franchise. Lego Lord of the Rings, Lego Harry Potter, Lego Marvel Super Heroes…all of these games follow essentially the same formula, the same blueprint. The aesthetic…

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Do you love spine-chilling games? In the gaming industry today, there are many games based on horror movies or stories. When it comes to gaming, it is all about entertainment and fun! So, from time to time, a good horror game is more than welcome. Looking for some spooky fun? Check out some of the top horror games below: Resident Evil 7: Biohazard You must have heard of or played the Resident Evil game series! Capcom brings you Resident Evil 7: Biohazard. Released in 2017, it is a survival horror game developed for Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.…

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