Author: Jay Allsopp

Meet Jay, the visionary Founder of GamerBolt, who launched this gaming haven in 2010. A dedicated PS5 enthusiast, Jay thrives on the adrenaline rush of Call of Duty and the competitive spirit of EA Sports FC. His passion for gaming goes beyond play; it's about creating a community for fellow gamers to celebrate the worlds and stories they love; Gamerbolt.
Those who were a fan of the movie series, which began back in 1980, are sure to have garnered excitement when hearing about this title. I was one of those fans. However, it is fairly common knowledge within the gaming community that movie-tie in games are rarely successful. With that said, could Friday the 13th: The Game buck this trend? Continue to read on to find out. Once the game was installed on my PS4, I attempted to join an online game. Sadly, the servers were down, a real issue that many have experienced within the first week or so of…
Call of Duty WW2 – Fans Are Getting The Game They Demanded
When it comes to first-person-shooters, Activision’s Call of Duty franchise has attracted a huge following. With the first release arriving in 2003, the series has continued to progress gradually, partly thanks to innovative features of which were often introduced on an annual basis. However, the approach to forwarding a futuristic era setting has come under fire from many veterans. We don’t need to look towards EA’s Battlefield 1 masterpiece to realise that a return to a previous setting would be highly welcomed. Here we delve into an article that explores why Call of Duty WW2 will be hugely appreciated and…
Here Is How Planet Coaster Could Inch Closer Towards Perfection
Great business simulation games are in short supply and there is always a long wait before a great title releases. Whilst this genre doesn’t entertain the same following as that of the mainstream options, the audience is still large and growing. Chris Sawyer is the person we should look to when thinking about business simulation within the world of gaming. After all, he is the creator behind some of the best titles, these include Rollercoaster Tycoon and Transport Tycoon. A recent gem, Planet Coaster, is close to perfect, but what could make it even better? This article explores. Weather Effects…
Once upon a time you’d have probably looked to Apple for striking innovations within the smartphone market. Each new announcement was filled with new ideas, features and excitement. However, since Steve Jobs passed, we’ve seen a lacklustre approach from the US. tech giant. Perhaps as Apple’s logo suggests, there was always going to be a competitor who wanted a bite from what was once a brand who dominated the smartphone and tablet market. I’m not afraid to admit that previously I was fond of Apple’s iPhone and iPad brand. I’d take one look at the competition and quickly see that…
I’m not sure about you, but there isn’t nearly enough World War 2 themed games available, and it is always refreshing to return to this very theme. Thus, If sneaking around a map, planning and preparing the perfect executions, one by one, sounds like your type of game, then Sniper Elite 4 might just be for you. Of course, as the name suggests, your main weapon of choice is a sniper, allowing you to zone in on enemies well into the distance. However, you also have access to an arsenal of other goodies, such as a machine gun, revolver, TNT,…
Can Nintendo Succeed with The Switch in an Uncertain Market?
Amazing, isn’t it? We have two long-standing console players left within the home-console market, they being Nintendo and PlayStation. How history can pass us by with a flick of an eye. After all, we have seen SEGA fall victim, showing how a few bad decisions can really mean “Game Over” for a console manufacture. This article looks over which direction the Nintendo Switch could take. Let’s begin. It’s now Nintendo’s turn to risk entering a market that is rather uncertain – certainly risky, and it could quite be make or break for the juggernaut Japanese based company. If it could…
This year is quickly coming to a close, and it’s certainly been an eventful calendar full of great game releases. Furthermore, we’ve had the announcement of Nintendo’s next console, the Switch. That’s not to mention Sony’s PS4 Pro and PSVR. Microsoft’s announcement of the Scorpio was also another major highlight. Yes, it seems fair to say that this year was amazing, but we have far more to look forward to over the next 12 months. This article takes a look over some of the titles I’d like to see announced. Let’s begin. The Last of Us 2 As the PS4…
With Nintendo’s new console becoming available from March 2017, I thought it would be ideal to list some of the games I hope to see release. Whilst Sony’s PlayStation 4 has dominated the 8th-gen scene to date, it will be somewhat refreshing to see what Nintendo can actually do with their Switch. The exciting part to any console release is the games that will become available, so let’s go ahead and ponder some possible gems. Golden Eye Remastered What an absolute diamond this was for the Nintendo 64, we’ve even seen fans attempt to re-make the title in glorious HD,…
When it comes to 8th-gen gaming, it’s quite a simple picture; Sony’s PlayStation 4 has cemented itself as the obvious console of choice – a fact that is undisputed by gamers from around the world. However, the battle between Microsoft and Sony is hardly over, you could argue that it’s just beginning in one way or another; this is because the two companies are entering the 4K arena with the PS4 Pro and XBOX Scorpio. Whilst exciting, another Japanese console manufacture wanted to get involved, hence the Nintendo Switch. This article takes a look at why I’m excited. Let’s begin.…
Tycoon games aren’t exactly mainstream when considering the genre, in-fact they’re the complete opposite, however, they’re able to bring plenty of excitement to players who enjoy this type of game. With that said, it’s been sometime since we can say that a stunning franchise has set this genre on fire. I’m sure you don’t need to question which series I’m talking about either – yes, I’m referring to Rollercoaster Tycoon, which was originally developed by Chris Sawyer and released back in 1999. The real question many are asking is; will Planet Coaster be another title that looks set to deliver,…
The very word win implies a battle, yet that’s what E3 is often about. The three elite console manufactures were out to impress like never before, and what a war it wasn’t. Simply put, Sony didn’t just make an appearance, but rather, they showed a force which couldn’t be matched by either of the two competitors. Sony were on a mission to turn up and resolve a problem that has become a raised issue with the majority of 8th gen gamers. What’s this I hear you ask? Games. Whilst Sony has already impressed in this department, gamers demand far more, and this E3 event has…
With many great releases, 2015 has whizzed by leaving with us some memorable game releases. With that said, this year is set to be even bigger. This article takes a look at what will hopefully turn out to be massive titles for PC gamers. Are you ready for more entertainment, action, adventure, creativity and mayhem? If your answer to this question was yes, then please prepare to read on. Planet Coaster Available exclusively on PC with a release date of Q4 2016. This game is for those who love to explore their creativity within the realms of a business-sim. I’m…
Three Upcoming Theme Park Business Sim Games That Look Awesome
The business sim is a genre which is under filled and under demanded, in my opinion, and that’s why you don’t see many developers rushing out to make games based around this area. The business sim genre struck its prime within the 1990s, and then things went completely quiet, with poor to mediocre releases. However, things are about to get a lot more exciting. Creating and managing a theme park fits beautifully into the business sim genre, and we’ve seen some great past examples including, Theme Park and Rollercoaster Tycoon. If you enjoy the mixture of creating and management, then…
If you’re a fan of construction management games, then you’re sure to be pleased with the recent announcement of Planet Coaster. We’ve got Chris Sawyer to largely thank for laying down the foundations of this genre, after all, Transport Tycoon and RollerCoaster Tycoon were two games which took this genre by storm back in the 1990s. Other memorable mentions, two from EA include ThemePark and ThemePark World. However, nothing has managed to come close to the Rollercoaster Tycoon series, but is that about to change? Let’s take a look at two big upcoming offerings… Rollercoaster Tycoon World I personally think…
Are You Ready For The Return of The Classic Sinclair ZX?
The 1980’s was a great era for so many reasons, however, if you were a gamer then the Sinclair ZX is what probably brought back many of those old dreams. For me, it was perhaps the SEGA MegaDrive which now brings back those nostalgic memories. However, with modern day gaming now in a place where we could never had imagined less than a decade ago, there’s something great about re-visiting the foundations of which brought about the gaming of today. We’ve got Steve Wilcox, the man behind Elite Systems, based in Lichfield, England, to thank for this re-make. The device cleverly uses modern tech, meaning you’ll…
Act of Aggression – The Game C&C Fans Have Been Waiting for?
It could be argued that the RTS genre was partly defined thanks to the C&C series, growing in popularity with every release since 1995. After all, the idea that you could resource gather, build up a base and then defend or attack the enemy was one that worked extremely well. However, the series appeared to reach its peak within the era of Westwood Studios, and ever since, things haven’t really felt the same. EA’s attempts to conquer, yes, pun intended, this series were seemingly unsuccessful. Perhaps it was the announcement of Command and Conquer: Generals 2 that had a large…
Most games stick to a familiar formula, however, there’s an ever growing number of titles that are exploring totally new concepts. Developers are starting to think outside the box thanks to the power of 8th gen. Whilst we’ve seen some amazing blockbusters announced at E3, this article takes a look at two upcoming games that don’t fit within your typical offerings, and haven’t had much attention. Dreams (PS4) This game was announced at E3 and it’s definitely very different, making it stand out from most other releases. All focus is on allowing you to use the PlayStation 4 to create…
With 8th Gen gaming just kicking off, many have already questioned whether the console era has reached its limit. With technology moving at an ever-accelerated rate, it certainly seems a valid question, after all. Can the console market keep up with these technology demands? What’s obvious is that the lifespan of 8th gen has to be reduced. Some have already deemed that the PS4 and XBOX One are to be the last consoles ever released. However, Nintendo has recently put this question into massive doubt – they’ve announced that they are working on something new. Whilst many are hoping that…
The First-person-shooter genre is one of the most popular, and we’ve become accustomed to receiving a yearly release from both the Battlefield and Call of Duty franchises. Both of these juggernaut series started out with the theme of WW2 with Battlefield 1942 and Call of Duty. One of my favourite experiences was with Call of Duty – it had everything that a good FPS should. Battlefield 1942 on the other hand, offered a free-roaming experience which was a new concept for the genre back then. Looking back, it felt as though the first-person-shooter genre was saturated with nearly every single…
It only feels like yesterday when these two consoles hit the market. With plenty of initial anticipation, we’re now in a slightly better position to see where we might be heading. However, this can all change. The console market is unpredictable just like the weather; one right move against one bad move and suddenly things can change. This article explores what 2015 might hold, and what could become important factors as to which console attracts the most attention and sales this year. Those who successfully predicted that the PS4 would become the clear winner of 2014 when it came to…
Reasons Why Nintendo’s Upcoming Console Should Worry Microsoft
The console market is unpredictable, having the right release date can be a massive factor for the overall success of a console. Both Sony and Microsoft are currently in a battle for sales, with the PS4 leading by a large percentage. There has been plenty of speculation recently that Nintendo were secretly working on a new console (something we reported about), which was officially confirmed recently. Cool, right? Isn’t it great that we’ll soon be able to use the term ‘next gen’ once again? The fact of the matter is, Microsoft is struggling right now with XBOX One sales when…
It’s no secret that video game consoles developed by current modern standards aren’t really lasting as long as their predecessors did. This isn’t to say that they’re less developed or technologically inferior, of course, quite the contrary. In an odd twist of fate, the more progress we seem to make the faster our creations appear to be outmoded. Even still, there are many dedicated users of now obsolete consoles who would disagree with any notions about lifespan altogether. New generations of gamers are actually taking to the retro scene as if it were the main attraction, sometimes even avoiding the…
With extremely powerful new consoles out there, replete with amazing lifelike graphics and all sorts of expansive games offering incredible potential and options, one has to wonder why retro gaming is so popular right now. While it might seem as though this trend has been built upon a few simple notions, the truth is that it is a fairly complex situation that features influence from multiple angles. We’re about to take a long, hard look at all of the major factors which have turned the retro scene into what it is today, from top to bottom… Don’t forget about economics…