Author: Chris Drougoutis

Chris Drougoutis is a full-time gamer, a humorous and creative writer and a great mount grinder. Spending most of his time in the many realms of Azeroth farming that spicy new mount, slaying giant daemons in the world of Eos or killing enemy operators with Hibana's X-Kairos in Rainbow Six Siege.
Seems like things didn’t turn up as well as we’d like to expect for this feature that they had planned. Wall-running won’t be included in Cyberpunk 2077, for “design reasons”. Because of the game’s nature, being a first-person shooter RPG, it’s somewhat difficult to design with fluidity of moment and action as top priority in all cases, and with this in mind, CD Projekt RED has dropped the wall-running feature which we have seen in previous gameplay demos. You might be wondering “Yeah, but, Mirror’s Edge is an FPS too and has lots of parkouring to do”. While that statement…
CD Projekt RED, the studio that’s been working on Cyberpunk 2077, has delayed the most highly-anticipated game of the year, once again. Seems like there’s (obviously) been going a huge amount of work and polishing into CD Projekt RED’s newest title, Cyberpunk 2077, and that shows from how the studio manages the game’s release date subject. They really do not wanna release out to the community an unfinished title or a title that does not meet our expectations, and honestly, personally, I am completely okay with it and in fact I support this move. I highly prefer a well-polished game…
Infinity Ward, just like many big companies all around the world, join the wagon that pay their respects to George Floyd who got killed by a police officer in Minneapolis. What happened in Minneapolis is absolutely terrible and shouldn’t ever happen by any means. Many companies have paid their respects with their own ways, like Sony, who pushed back the date for their PS5 event. In order for Infinity Ward to show their respects, they pushed back the date for their highly-anticipated Season 4 for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019). They also made a tweet about this on their…
Call of Duty Warzone finally introduces highly-anticipated BR Duos
Infinity Ward, the studio behind Call of Duty Modern Warfare (2019) and Warzone, finally introduced a new playlist option, BR Duos! Thankfully, Infinity Ward made the right call to have BR Duos as a permanent addition to the rest of the BR modes (Solos, Trios and Quads), instead of having to delete one of them so BR Duos can replace the removed one. Warzone has been standing in the spotlight for way too long now thanks to its huge success and players have been demanding more and more from Infinity Ward. One of the demands was BR Duos, because Trios…
As next-gen console companies (namely Microsoft and Sony) have been revealing more and more information about their specs and their capabilities, one of them was Ray Tracing, to help developers maximize their visions in terms of graphics. Let’s talk about what exactly Ray Tracing is before moving ahead and talk about the PS5 and the Xbox Series X. As you play a game, everything around you is being rendered in real-time by the console or PC you’re playing on. Character models, the world’s models (like buildings, trees, rocks, all sorts of things scattered around, even the sky which we call…
The Last of Us 2 has a new gruesomely awesome trailer
After the news about the indefinite delay of release date for the new installment to The Last of Us, The Last of Us 2 has received a new (and close) release date, along with a new trailer to hype ourselves up! Last month, Naughty Dog, the company behind the new upcoming title for The Last of Us, gave us the sad news that due to the coronavirus situation that has been going around, their hand was forced to indefinite delay the release of The Last of Us 2 due to logistical issues. But you know what they say, “hope always…
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is here to amaze us with its vicious glory
The next highly-anticipated addition to the famous and well-known game series, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, is here and it is viciously glorious! Ubisoft has released a very well-made trailer that shows off the vikings’ savagery, their ways of life, their devotion to their gods (like Odin, the Creator) and their bloodbathed battles. It goes without a single doubt that they have done the most amazing job up until now and the trailer has sparked the great interest of many fans. Gamers talk about the trailer and its contents like crazy, the series’ fans are overly hyped and excited and it all…
Sony has launched a new way for players to be kept occupied for a good amount of time, through their newly launched Initiative, PlayStation Play at Home. Sony (even though they are sort of late to the game, but better late than never, right?) has jumped into the good-guys wagon that are doing something to either fight Covid-19 or keep the people occupied and decided to take the situation just a bit more seriously with a little more generosity. So, they launched the Play at Home Initiative, with two goals in mind. First, of course, is to keep people entertained…
Modern Warfare’s Warzone technical status is horrible
Modern Warfare’s latest and successful mode, Warzone, still remains prone to server instability, lagspikes, disconnections, service and quality-of-life problems. We can all agree that Warzone is successful if we take a look at its playerbase number and the revenue that it is generating on a daily basis for Activision Blizzard, but the mode itself still feels like its incomplete, and more on that, it seems like Infinity Ward doesn’t listen to its players’ suggestions and demands, and is on the brink of losing a great deal of its active playerbase. We’ll analyze all of this, right in this article. So…
PS Plus Subscription – April 2020 freebies are out and available
Seems like the predictions were incorrect once again (with said predictions being Cities: Skylines and The Surge to name a few), but hey, either way, we got two nice freebies for this month. Once again, Reddit users weren’t able to guess and predict correctly what this month’s freebies were gonna be, with the majority of them saying guesses like racing titles and adventure titles (although the predicted genres are correct), like Gran Turismo Sports and Stardew Valley, respectively. Sony posted on their blog, that they are giving out to PS Plus users two games, from April 7 to May 4,…
Rogue Company and its guns blazin’ new gameplay trailer
Rogue Company, for the uninitiated, is an upcoming multiplayer third person shooter game, made by Hi-Rez Studios in Unreal Engine 4 and plays similarly like the rest of the class-based shooters but with a battle royale twist. To talk a bit the game itself before diving into the trailer, the game currently features two game modes. The first one is Extraction, a 4v4 game mode where the attacking team has to hack the objective or just straight-up kill the enemy team, and the second game mode is Wingman, a 2v2 game mode with similar win conditions. Currently, we have five…
Since Season 3 has been released, we’ve been lots of new goodies, like three new characters, Ganryu, Zafina and Leroy Smith, some nice additions to Practice Mode which will help intermediate players further learn the technical stuff of each character of the roster and more, and now, we welcome to the roster a new addition, Fahkumram. Since Tekken 7’s release, the community has been demanding a specific character to be added, Bruce Irvin, a Muay Thai fighter, that has been around since the second installment of the series, which was immediately received positively by the majority of the community. Now, while…
YouTuber Markiplier who has always been a humanitarian and a people-first or community-first type of person, grabs the opportunity to talk about Coronavirus. Markiplier, after witnessing what fear and panic can do to the everyday lives of people around him and the whole world around through social media and his audience, took the leads in his hands to talk about the new pandemic that has been spreading around and causing fear. Having a big community under his channel, which at the time of writing is 25.1 million subscribers, really helps in terms of reaching out to a wide range of…
Call of Duty: Warzone to shake up the battle royale market
Activision, with the 2019 take on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has taken the FPS world by storm and is now up-and-ready to shake up the battle royale markets as well. Built on the same content and same engine as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019), Warzone is a very different take on the battle royale as a genre. Warzone, first of all, is free-to-play for everyone, even for those who don’t own the 2019 title. Warzone caught us by surprise, as the only “first look” or “acknowledgement” (you name it) was made on March 8 by not the publisher…
Black Desert Online to enable crossplay on consoles
Pearl Abyss’ successful MMORPG to be lots more successful on the consoles, at a very soon date, so make sure you have some spare space on your consoles for the next update. These incredible news that Pearl Abyss announced come exactly one year after Black Desert Online’s Xbox One release. The company gave out plenty of details already for this big change and they also announced the date of which this is gonna happen, which is March 4, 2020. There hasn’t been any word from Pearl Abyss yet regarding PC users joining the crossplay, and this is because the PC…
Tomb Raider’s Lara Croft joins the Brawlhalla roster
The all-time famous archaeologist and explorer has joined into the fray of Ubisoft’s fighting game, Brawlhalla. Tomb Raider’s Lara Croft joins the Brawlhalla roster with an Epic Crossover in this new update, which features Lara Croft (insane, right?), custom Signature effects, a dedicated Roster spot and an additional Skin, called Survivor Lara Croft, that has its own unique Weapon Skins and lock-in animation. Patch 3.57 also brings more additions to the game, some temporary, some permanent, like a new animated podium (which grants KOs if you solve its mysteries.. sounds scary), a new game mode called Temple Climb, a new…
PS Plus Subscription – March 2020 freebies announced
The predictions were incorrect (some were saying DOOM would go free this month), but we still got two nice games, nonetheless. Reddit users were predicting that DOOM 2016 would go free, with DOOM Eternal’s release date closing in fast (March 20, 2020), but that is not the case, at least for this month. Sony posted on their blog, that they will be giving out to PS Plus users two games, from March 3 to April 6, which are: Shadow of the Colossus Sonic Forces The well-known all-time classic that induces nostalgia to everyone who played the original game back in…
Valve’s auto-battler game will soon leave Steam’s Early Access and bring an end to its Beta Season. It was about time that Valve’s take on an auto-battler game, Dota Underlords, to leave the Early Access program and have it officially released as a complete and out-of-beta testing game. In addition to the game’s exit from Early Access, Valve is ending the Beta Season and will kick off Season 1 on Dota Underlords’ launch date, February 25, 2020. Valve has also released an announcement that states which things will stay the same and which will change upon Season 1’s arrival. Existing…
Seems like the oldest trick in the books, nostalgia, is actually super effective (we fell for it like Pokémon) and we love it. The NPD Group, which is a United States market research company, releases on a monthly basis its US market report and for January 2020, its a huge turn-around for other major titles. While we can’t be certain how the sales went in the rest of the market in other parts of the world, one of the largest video game markets is the US, so these numbers and sales reports, more or less speak for the rest of…
Obviously the character in talk here is the infamous mister Leroy Smith, who was welcomed with great reactions upon announcement when he was revealed as a character but is greatly hated by the majority of Tekken’s community (even to this day, after the patch fixes). Bandai Namco, the guys behind Tekken 7 have released a few patches in the last weeks, in hopes of balancing Leroy Smith’s power, but every change they made was too small, making the community angry. Try watching the latest EVO Japan 2020, the latest major tournament, the ladder was full of Leroy Smiths. That alone…
Ubisoft, the publisher behind the loot-shooter The Division 2, has announced that a new expansion is about to be released in the coming weeks. The new expansion is called “Warlords of New York” and it.. well, take you back to the place of the first game, which is New York. The story behind the DLC is that there’s an ex-Division agent, Aaron Keener, that has gone rogue and has taken over the lower parts of Manhattan. Your ultimate goal for this expansion is to take him down and re-take control of the places he’s taken control of, but Aaron ain’t…
The long-awaited release of League of Legends’ approach to the new and trending autobattle genre, Teamfight Tactics, which is already out and playable in the main game since June 2019, is beginning its closed beta tests for the mobile version. Riot Games just announced that their mobile version of Teamfight Tactics is ready to start getting into closed beta tests. The official month that the game will be accesible to most of the countries around the globe will be March of this year, however, some of the users who are already pre-registered may have the opportunity to play a little…
Nothing has been revealed on the website, no specifications, no price point, nothing at all so keep calm (for now). Sony has decided that its time to bring up an official website for the PS5, although it has nothing to show for us, except for a.. newsletter sign-up (You know how to tease, Sony, I’ll give you that). The console’s website has initially been spotted by a user on Reddit with the name u/RyderrexTheOriginal (give that guy a medal, please.. or a cookie), which he brought up through a Reddit post and a picture from the website to show as…
With our graphics cards in place from the previous part of this 3-part guide, it’s time we have a talk about the CPU you’re gonna need in order to not have bottlenecks with the rest of your system for (again) every price tier. Links to every part of this guide: Graphics Cards CPUs Monitors Let’s do this (in Captain Price’s voice) In all fairness, you’re absolutely right if you’re confused with the latest CPU releases and the latest news regarding new technologies and improvements in CPUs, and with Intel and AMD always rushing out products to have an edge on…
Echtra Games, the developers behind the free-to-play Torchlight title named “Torchlight Frontiers”, have announced that they are completely overhauling their game and are renaming it “Torchlight III”. Along with this announcement, they also uploaded an announcement video showcasing some of the biggest changes that are coming to the game, with Max Schaefer (The creator of the Torchlight series) talking in the background and explaining how and why they made this decision. Here’s the video: Unlike Torchlight Frontiers, which was a free-to-play title, Torchlight III will not follow the same path and will transition into a premium model. Another big announcement…
Since Fortnite took the big leap into Chapter 2, we haven’t heard any news regarding Season 2 and also it has been an incredibly long Season 1, but that is now going to change. Dataminers have recently discovered the date “February 6” in the game’s API, which almost immediately became the highlight of the day, but Epic Games took wind of this and have confirmed that the Season 2 will officially begin on February 20. Here is a picture of their official announcement: While Epic did reveal Season 2’s release date, they didn’t reveal any of the new changes and…
Upgrade Your PC – Winter 2020 Guide (Graphics Cards)
We’ll analyze all possible and most value-for-money choices for every price tier, as of January, 2020. We’ll break this guide into three parts, because we have a lot to cover for every component (we’ll add links to each article when they get published): Graphics Cards CPUs Monitors Let the graphics fight begin The graphics card market has become quite confusing lately, with so many products being launched every so often by both sides, Nvidia and AMD (No, I don’t count Intel as a side with their new “graphics card”). This article will (hopefully) make your next upgrade decision a bit…
A “fresh breeze” in the battle royale genre With Scavengers Studios, a relatively new development team to the gaming industry, with a small number of members in it (eighteen members) releasing Darwin Project to the PlayStation 4, it’s a very good opportunity to have a talk about it, as it is a battle royale type of game but with an interesting twist in its concept. A new take on the battle royale concept First of all, this game has been released for Microsoft Windows and Xbox One as a free-to-play title since April 24, 2018 and only just recently made it out of Steam’s Early Access and into the PlayStation 4 platform. This isn’t your standard and typical battle royale game, where you just loot everything in your way as fast as humanly possible like your name is Barry Allen (aka “The Flash”) and then shoot away all your ammunition into the enemy’s skulls, hoping that you and your squad will make it as the last squad standing. In Darwin…